Julie McGregor Sun Herald -The True Story
It was never about money for Julie McGregor. It all went upside down and pear-shaped after Ocean took her business from underneath her and her husband. I can't imagine that Ocean would have cared about the authors he also hurt in the process.
THE TRUTH: Pleading guilty was what the police forced her into. When two policewomen arrived on Julie's doorstep, they said they had something Julie could help them with. Julie felt proud to help the police with anything she could. Julie went voluntarily and happily to a police station to assist police with inquiries. She was trying effortlessly to assist the police with their twining and twisting questions, but she was totally awestruck, dumbfounded and confused. Her blood sugar was way below par as she had not yet eaten. She told them that she was a diabetic, feeling dizzy and had not eaten yet, but they did not seem to care. Two policewomen stood over her, bombarding her with twisted guidance. Mentally, she became more confused and nearly passed out. It was too easy to simply charge a grieving emotional victim with fraud.
The bottom line here is: Do not act so naive and gullible as this woman did repeatedly. Do not trust from your heart; use your head. Never try to assist police with inquiries unless you have a solicitor present. The police did not care to follow up or look for the actual con men because they knew that these con men operated overseas. The police were only concerned with charging someone in Australia.
Never click links you do not recognise in your emails like she did initially. Why? It gives fraudsters access to your personal data, banking logins and passwords on your computer.
Now: Once the fraudsters collected the funds from the restaurants, where they made Love of Books invoices for flowers, limos, etc., they did not stop there. More invoices were discovered under her business name and sent to further businesses. The police did not stop there either. They believed Julie would be naive enough to go to them again when they politely asked her to. LOL...
Julie must not have watched many TV police shows.
The truth is: She was used in her grieving and emotional state by con men who prey on widows online through Facebook to assist in moving funds for them. She posted details of her husband's passing on Facebook. This is how we think they found her. They sent prayer links to support her in her time of grief. These links gave them access to her banking information, passwords, etc. The con men used an old bank account of hers to transfer funds into and withdraw funds from. Julie did not know the businesses they used to take the money from. Only the con men knew the identities of the claimed businesses involved and the details of the credit cards they stole and utilised. However, as it was one of her bank accounts they used, she felt sad for them as they lost their funds. Yes, she cried for these people. In the courtroom, she offered and repaid the funds to the businesses. Now, she was in grief and under much stress. Her decision to do this was based on her emotional state. She admitted months later that it seemed the right thing to do at the time but a stupid one considering 1. She did not take their money, and 2. She was not well off enough to gift them. But she hopes they appreciate her gift for their losses.
Now, the police did not care that another bank account she held had funds taken by con men—funds to the tune of $27,650. When she walked into a police station to report it, the officer said, 'It's not our problem; there's nothing we can do; it is a civil matter.' WOW.
How it all began: Julie filed a document for litigation against Ocean Reeve and his new Ali. However, they cleverly bullied her in person, through the phone, through her clients, through the newspapers and online so that she could not afford to go through the court filing. Doing this also meant that they would prosper from more of her clients. Such greed! Would be or new clients would pull away from Julie's business based on their research of these negative posts online? Yes, they prospered $$$$ from her many years of hard work. Clever!!!!
Julie contacted the Sun Herald Newspaper several times to tell the truth, with written evidence she presented that much of their writing was untrue, but they did not retract their article or even attempt to visit her for the truth.
Ocean and his Ali's contacted several newspapers and Current Affairs before the Sun Herald agreed to publish their words. Julie was interviewed by several other newspapers and Current Affairs who Ocean and his Ali's sent to her. They refused to publish anything about her after viewing much-documented evidence of the bullying and poaching. Ocean and his Ali's were refused publications of her by them. Why? Current Affairs and the other Newspapers took the time to actually interview her, see the evidence, review the court filing and the truth and felt sorry for her, unlike the Sun Herald, which did not do any of this.
The Sun Herald did not take the time to sit with Julie, hear the truth and visit the real evidence.
Interestingly, one of these newspapers and current affairs wanted to write a story about Ocean and his Ali. Why? They were interested in the actual truth, NOT like the Sun Herald. Julie declined at the time as she was scared of these 3 male bullies and what else they may do to her. She was still in grief with her family dying too. She was already threatened by one of them, stating that he would visit her home at night if her true story made the TV or newspaper. Her friend reported this to the Police.
See this letter WRITTEN IN AFFIDAVIT FORM from one of Julie's poached authors below: Names edited pending court appearances.
My name as you can see below, is ................. and I am the author of ................... I am also the first person to part-company with Love of Books, when .O.R........ was fired to establish INH..... Publishing, a division of ....... Printing. Back then; I asked Julie for all my electronic files, which she provided; as a result, I have absolutely no issue with Julie McGregor.
I have however, kept up to date with various issues she was experiencing with Fair Trading, Current Affairs, QTAC, News Limited, and ...... to name a few. I advised Julie, that she needs to let your authors know she is not completely at fault, and she is willing to support them, and make efforts to do so.
More importantly, I do not accept what O.R...... is trying to do to her, how he is using authors to do his dirty work, or how he is treating some of the authors once loyal to him when they are no longer generating an income for him. He is, and I can prove it, not only using authors to achieve his personal vendetta against her but also truly giving the self-publishing business a bad name.
I am happy to support Julie in any attempts to get justice, but please remember, O.R...... is very cunning and will use whatever he can to achieve his own [and none else] objectives.
Please accept my issue with O.R......, his unprofessionalism and what it has cost others and me. Just so there is no misunderstanding, I am willing to consider supporting any action against .......personally and/or professionally. ...... Printing and many of the authors, as I once was, are only guilty of stupidity, the stupidity of believing O.R......, as I once did.
We can discuss what I know of how O.R....... orchestrated and is continuing to fuel everything currently happening between you and the authors. How do I know this? Simple; I was one of his closest allies, strategist, and confidant for many months.
Julie, this is a legitimate offer and I await your reply. A written or verbal testimony from me in a courtroom, or to any newspaper, or investigative style TV program, would turn the cards around in your favour very quickly. I have kept contemporaneous notes of every discussion between O.R....... and I.
We can also discuss how O.R...... poached authors in preparation much before parting company with Love of Books [I was one of those approached before he was fired] and continued to do so after. Perhaps we could also discuss how he asked each and every author [after the event] to provide him with a statement clearly saying he did not attempt to take them away from Love of Books. I believe his actions are a breach of his duties applicable to a current and/or ex-employee, defamatory, unethical, vindictive, and, without a doubt, unprofessional.
Written by Jenny P. - Advocate for Registered National Bullying Awareness Australia-wide. MBA
We can also discuss how O.R...... poached authors in preparation much before parting company with Love of Books [I was one of those approached before he was fired] and continued to do so after. Perhaps we could also discuss how he asked each and every author [after the event] to provide him with a statement clearly saying he did not attempt to take them away from Love of Books. I believe his actions are a breach of his duties applicable to a current and/or ex-employee, defamatory, unethical, vindictive, and, without a doubt, unprofessional.
Written by Jenny P. - Advocate for Registered National Bullying Awareness Australia-wide. MBA
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