Sunday, April 19, 2015

My dealings with Ocean Reeve

Ocean Reeve worked at Love of Books for two years. This business had no complaints from clients and was built from hard, long hours of work for five years prior to Ocean Reeve's employment.

My dealings with Ocean Andrew Reeve

In 2008, my wife and I set out to build a business model like no other. Since the start of Love of Books, I (John McGregor) have worked hard behind the scenes in our publishing business. I supported my wife in every way I could with our mission.

Much of our success in the publishing industry was due to our hard work and the love, care, and support we gave to over 1,200 self-published authors Australia-wide by 2013. Julie made her business a loving and caring environment, sharing the joys of the process and the finished products with her clients. 

In December 2012, Someone (Mr Ocean Andrew Reeve) begged us for a job. He talked about how he could help us build the business and convinced us he would be an asset to our company.

My wife, Julie Mc Gregor's personality, naturally wears her heart on her sleeve.

We spent money building up the size of the business to accommodate one (Ocean Reeve) in need of work in Australia. He talked us into giving him a job. We believed and trusted too much. We contracted Ocean Andrew Reeve to work with us and paid him well.  I, John Mc Gregor, gave bonuses, loaned him cars, and had him and his family in our home for dinners, outings, etc.  We extended happily and very well to him and his family.

Unfortunately for us, our kind hearts were our downfall.  We blindly neglected to complete any reference checks on this man.  Not that Ocean Reeve would have given us any anyway! We neglected to visit good old Google to check out this person named Ocean Reeve's Path.  If we had done only these items alone, we would have been wiser and could have saved ourselves from a long time of suffering, as there is no existence of this person previously ANYWHERE.  Why?  We found out the hard way.  Several of his previous employers contacted us after we sacked him, and they all had such horrid things to say. They appeared to have discovered that he was no longer working with us through online sources. What we found in this person's dark employment history was eye-opening. 

We loved, cared for, and gave from our hearts, only to have our livelihood and hard work diminished over the years.

November 2014 to March 2015: They say all is fair in love and war.  However, this is not true for businesses and associates.  From November 2013 to March 2014, our family was suffering from all kinds of terrible illnesses and deaths.  With me on my deathbed, my wife's mother passing, and her father in a long-term hospital, as well as other issues,  we were not around the business as much as we usually were.  Ocean Reeve told my wife that she no longer should attend the office for her usual 12-hour days and that she should spend time with her ill family. He said he would be fine and more than happy to be paid for and take on the running of the business. Our business and livelihood were then left and trusted in someone else's hands (Ocean Reeve).  Sales started being insufficient to cover costs, and suspicions were soon confirmed.  Our business was slowly ripped from underneath us by the ones we trusted at this very emotional time in our lives. What type of person does this?

I noticed Mr Ocean Reeve spending more time with a printer we were then working with named Robert Karlsson.  This printer had been attempting to gain our publishing business as an addition to his printing business for 5 years since we first associated with him.   His business was a print business and became a publishing business within days after we sacked-fired-terminated the contract related to Mr Ocean Reeve.  The evidence here speaks for itself regarding the birth of INHOUSE PUBLISHING only 3 days after we sacked Ocean Reeve. (Updated by Peter: You, MrReeve, were eventually sacked from here, too, after 2 years - and another business).

I will never forget the day Mr Ocean Reeve begged us that he would never betray us and give our hard-earned business to Mr Karlsson.  He went down on his knees, begging us to trust him. He had fooled us. Facts in the account books showed that Ocean Reeve was sending our clients to his new place of work months before we discovered this underhandedness.   He robbed us blind. A few clients also rang my wife at the office, claiming they had work in progress, asking for updates, and stating that Ocean Reeve took cash from them for their work. We never saw any cash money paid or job sheets in our books. He is for sure one heck of a good salesman and nothing more.

Mr Ocean Reeve is a proven cunning, underhanded manipulator who sees his own objectives in sight with no consideration for others.  Cruel and vicious.  Many authors were told to leave Love of Books and go with Mr Ocean Andrew Reeve at his new business.  Many people were tricked and conned into believing Mr Ocean Andrew Reeve's nasty accusations against us and our business.  It was hard enough that he took so much with him to his new place of work, but to deliberately keep tugging and pulling from many directions to deplete us right into the ground for years following was an act of someone with no morals, remorse, empathy or sense of humanity.  A BULLY TO SAY THE VERY LEAST.

One thing that really sticks in my mind is how he joined his authors together, who followed him and whom he took into his new business. He manipulated, barraged, and increased their negativeness to harass us for files, refunds, returns, and other things in a cold and manipulated series of unkind and pre-mediated steps.

Ocean Reeve sent one author to our business door to threaten us. This man told us that Mr Ocean Reeve told him he would never get his books from us.  He said Mr Ocean Reeve told him to come to our business and stay on the doorstep until he gets his books.  He told my wife that Ocean Reeve told him he wouldn't ever get his books and that our business would soon be shut down. Others then followed a similar pattern.  They came with increased and heightened negativity in them.  They were driven by the clever, underhanded manipulation of Ocean Reeve.  What a horrible thing to do to us or anyone in our condition while on my deathbed.  What type of person does this?

And to this very day, harassment in an attempt to ride us out of business still persists.   Continual harassment to keep us busy with other matters rather than work in our industry with our commitments is ongoing to the point where none would believe it would be undertaken to such a cruel extent by any human being.

Yes, Ocean Reeve used and manipulated an outraged soul in the name of D.A.M to bully and harass us for years to come.  We had our homes threatened, online bullying in the form of defamation and lies, and email threats.

It is a cruel world where some prioritise money, anger, and greed. Reeve is one angry, greedy, and cold human being, as I have witnessed firsthand, and so have others before us.

Mr Ocean Andrew Reeve assaulted a poor young and small lady who begged him not to. She tried to push him off her by stating that she was pregnant.  I was there around the corner when it happened, and there is a police report on this. The poor lady wanted to hide from Ocean Reeve and chose not to press charges.  Such a lucky buggar he is.

And I believe that even after my passing, Mr Ocean Andrew Reeve and or his associates will still persist in harassing my wife and family. Why do I think this? Why?  My wife sacked him for numerous reasons.  The power of rejection is a sore point with this man.  The power of money to him and his new boss overrides human kindness, fairness or any kind of humanity. Don't get me wrong, he was, in fact, a very good worker and obviously an excellent salesperson

I have produced this post so that Mr Ocean Reeve can see what he did to my family and me in return for our trust and kindness.  I  am deeply saddened by the pain, heartache and suffering initiated by you, Mr Ocean Andrew Reeve, that I endured in my final days.  You -  Ocean Andrew Reeve, took my wife away from me in my final days. You caused her to work day and night with damage control presented, formulated and delivered by you or vented through others - your aliases D.A.M for one.  There were others that you carefully selected due to your increased greed, manipulative tactics and anger temperament. The stress you lay upon us added to the suffering I was already under. Every week, hearing your name and what you had done again to harm us in an attempt to remove us from our business in every way possible in the name of greed. I suffered Ocean Reeve. Yes, I suffered. You stole my wife away from me. She was too busy tending to damage control. We were both deeply saddened by what you did to us and all these poor authors. 

I want you to know how I feel and what you did to me and my family. You have shown that you have no morals or empathy. What's more, you are a manipulator and gold digger with a cold, dark heart, to say the very least. Authors need kindness, compassion, honesty, and care. You not only hurt us, but you hurt these people too. 


  1. A ruthless individual Reeve is, who has no concern for others. With only his own objectives in sight. To do what he did to this woman and many others he has no respect or morals for sure. A bad egg salesman. However, I feel he may a very good salesman as he has sold himself to many.

  2. John and Julie were extraordinary individuals, so loving and caring. Many authors stood by her.
