Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Who Let The Dogs Out

Who Let The Dogs Out

"Some people have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to when all they need is one reason why they can."
Mary Frances Berry

The first and foremost rule in business is 'Put your emotions aside'.

Beware of the devil in disguise.  Many are out there, such as Mr Ocean Andrew Reeve.

What is Trust, and how does trust work in a business? Trust can turn out a Mangled Reeve!

Trust plays a vital role in any business, self-publishing, or other life in general.

When engaging staff in your self-publishing business, or any business for that matter, you must set your emotions aside altogether, or you may get burnt.  Once you get burnt, the ride back up the ladder will require much hard work and determination.   You will need to invest loads of time and effort.  You will lose not only your creditability.  Your spirits will fall low and much more for sure.

Finding a trustworthy individual who is a good worker, loyal, and highly ethical is challenging.

Getting burnt is more than just a drop in the Ocean for anyone.  In any industry, corruption in the self-publishing industry is all about money, and people don't matter.  Money talks... Oh Yeah!   In-house, publishing industries, outside anywhere.  Corruption exists.

You must be aware of dogs and wolves in sheep's clothing.  Characteristics of a Bully.  Bullying: Who Let The Dogs Out?


Hint 1: Complete a full and detailed employment contract.  Cross the 't's' and dot the 'is'.  Make your presence and instructions very clear.  Leave nothing to chance.

Hint 2: Don’t worry about your emotional side when selecting or dealing with staff.  Especially if someone says, "Trust me"  Why?  Because money talks and comes first to some, especially in business.  

Hint 3: Ask for references.  AND CHECK THEM OUT THOROUGHLY.  Love of Books was never provided with any references by Ocean Andrew Reeve.   

Julie employed the shifty salesman Ocean Andrew Reeve on trust. So it is her fault she exclaims that she never asked for any.

It's too late to discover the skeletons of the past with your wolf after the event.  Yes, it was fruitless and heartbreaking, absolutely gobsmacking to hear the turmoil he caused to businesses by his past employers after she sacked him. You will feel like a complete fool or, even worse,  for not doing this first step.

Your years of hard work developing your business plans, marketing efforts, forms, databases, etc., are your gold, your daily bread, your livelihood, so to speak.

You may put your faith in God if you are a believer.   

Why do we have instincts?

As humans, we have instincts.  Address your instincts.  If you feel something is wrong, then it most likely is bad.  Learning to trust our instincts is one thing in itself.  Our emotions, again, do get in the way of our instincts.  Emotions rule, similar to how the Ocean rules.

If you suffer a significant upheaval, emotional stress, or turmoil while in business, I would easily recommend that you close the doors to new clients until you feel better and can cope.

People may abuse you if you owe money. Especially the ones who don't know you.  It is their right to get back their own hard-earned investment.  It is not their fault but your very own. You are the only one to blame here.

Put on your business head and your hard hat at all times.  It is against the odds that a caring and trusting relationship can be formed successfully in business in many cases.  Your staff have to like you to get paid.  Most of the time, this is all it is and nothing else.  Have faith!

Efforts plus determination and motivation

While we know that support is an essential ingredient for success, two other ingredients are equally if not more, critical: belief and determination.

Self-publishing can be an enriching and magical experience.  But, like anything in life, you need to put the effort in right from the start.  If you start a business for yourself, watch out for the dogs.  Corruption happens. 

The famous racing car driver Mario Andretti summed this up well when he said,
‘Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence, that will enable you to attain the success you seek.’

I have found that whilst motivation ignites the flame of change within us, it is only the inspiration that comes from totally believing in what we are doing and putting our complete dedication and commitment to excellence in whatever we do that enables us to reap the rewards of success that our hearts desire.

Many other people share dreams similar to yours.  Who do you admire the most out of the successful people you know? And who demonstrates success in the way you believe it to be.

Rules of the game:

Whether you are a woman or a man, the same applies.
  1. EMOTION: Keep as much emotion of business as you can. Sure, you might make friends; I have made many. But there are snakes out there, and you will get bitten.
  2. GUT INSTINCT: Why do we have it? Well, it's usually correct, so use it.
  3. FRIENDS: If you are a bit naïve and too kind, listen to your friends who aren’t so naïve. If several warn you of a rotten egg, they are probably right.
  4. TRUST: If someone begs you to trust them. It may be just a show to penetrate your gut instinct. Why would they beg? Have you indicated a sense of mistrust to them, and they need your assurance?
  5. SHUT UP SHOP: If you are experiencing a lot of turmoil in your life, it may be wise to shut up shop until the coast is clear again. Or should I say head?
  6.  COURT ORDER: A woman should seek out court orders very early at any sign of harassment. Don’t try to be friendly and ask politely by phone or email to be left alone. You won’t get a reply, trust me.  If someone is out to get you, they will hold down until the last grind. Get the police involved.
  7.  PEOPLE AND MONEY: People will be angry if you owe them money. They don’t give a rat's ass if you don’t have any. They will go at you like a bull at a gate.  If you are really unlucky, some will torture the living daylights out of you in any way possible. But you will get some that are very patient and easy to work with.  Look after the patients first to show your appreciation.
  8.  Go solo until you get back on your feet again. You did it in the beginning, so you can do it again. You are much wiser and have more experience now, so it’s easier to get the ball rolling again.
  9.  GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE: Don’t be too proud to ask for government assistance. You need it. You are entitled to it, so go for it. They will tell you what to do and work out your entitlements correctly.
  10. HEALTH: With all this going on, your health may suffer. Get help and make your health a priority. Taking care of your health and eating right are giving your body the right fuel and keeping up maintenance to give your mind, body, and soul the strength it needs.
  11. JUSTIFICATION: Don‘t try to justify yourself or your actions to anyone. There is no poverty like ignorance. And believe me, some people are pretty stupid and very ignorant. Some people can be easily manipulated and brainwashed.  Some of the most intelligent people in the world have been in cults, allowing them to be brainwashed and manipulated to be, act and do some very horrible things.  When they finally reach a point of saying no or getting their wake-up call, they come out of a very dark hole to a very rude awakening.
  12. REACH FOR THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN: With all the negativity and drama, you may need a bit of a pick-me-up. Surround yourself with positive people. Read success stories and books of successful people to create a positive dome of protection around you. Do what you do best, keep learning and hold your head high. You’re never too old to learn and grow in your personal life or business.
      BANKRUPTCY: Gives you a chance to start over again. It seems like you're getting out of your commitments. But honestly, if you cannot pay, that’s it. Don’t put off the inevitable. You need to eat and pay your rent. Your health may suffer if you burn yourself out trying to maintain what debt you have.

      LOYALTY: Many people still pay their debts once on their feet. Choose carefully if you want to pay and who you want to pay first. But the law says you don’t have to pay at all. You need to make sure that you can look after yourself first.

      There are many good books out there that can help you get things back into perspective.
      When they say: What doesn’t kill me will make me strong.  It's true to a degree.


      So many people don’t think about specific goals - they just think about wants or wishes. “I want to make more money.”  “I wish I could lose weight.” These are all widespread desires. Unfortunately, these thoughts alone will not lead to successful results.

      By defining goals tightly tied to your values and personal dreams, you make a powerful start to happiness and success.  But knowing what you want is just the first of two critical steps in getting what you want.  The key is to have a plan that keeps you focused on your goals instead of simply setting and forgetting them.

      Make sure you set high personal goals.  Then, back them up with a proven and structured process.
      Links: Love of Books